Vicky and Bring Your Daughter to Work Day - Printable Version

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Vicky and Bring Your Daughter to Work Day - cobalt - 03-15-2009

Welcome to the board flabiom. An interesting idea......though I can't see Jack letting Vicki be exposed to his world of fix-its.

Vicky and Bring Your Daughter to Work Day - Bluesman Mike Lindner - 03-16-2009

flabiom Wrote:yeah I know Jack would never go as far as taking her, but it would be funny if she asked. I hope Paul puts it in one of the books, but since things are getting very serious in the series, probably not. Oh well, it was a good thought.

It was an excellent thought, and let's go with it. Jack isn't =always= on the job...

Jack, Gia, and Vicky are inspecting the dinosaurs at the Museum of Natural History. Some young yahoos are abusing the bones. They knock down and stomp the guard. Jack intervenes. He takes down 3, but a 4th cold-clocks him from behind. Jack falls to his knees. Vicky gives a high-pitched little girl scream. Humans are hard-wired to look in the direction of a child screaming. And Jack has the second he needs to regain his feet...

Vicky and Bring Your Daughter to Work Day - BK Akitas - 03-17-2009

um, Blues? have you read "All The Rage" lately?

aw, thanks Steph! I still think my lil one should get an audition! there's still time!

I can't get the picture to post in the thread so I'll just add it to my album here. pic of the little one at a recent sport bike night with all of us giving the official 'salute' of the group- it was a special occasion Wink

[Image: photo.php?pid=1387414&id=665324062]

Vicky and Bring Your Daughter to Work Day - Silverfish - 03-17-2009

Must be a problem with pictures today on the forums. Sad


Vicky and Bring Your Daughter to Work Day - flabiom - 04-28-2009

Last Thursday was "Bring Your Brat to Work" day and I brought my 11 year old neice to my government job. All the time thinking, WWJD? I know I am a bureaucrat (like my father before me){love saying that, people always look at me weird cause it is kind of familiar......} and that is as far from Jack's line as one can get, but it still reminded me of when I started this thread and what would Jack say if and when Vicky asks him? She's gotta ask what he does for a living at somepoint. She's eight and very very curious. Still reading the series again, now am at Harbingers and still loving it. Many authors I like, I find it hard to reread so soon because the writing is not visual. I guess "Paul" is perfect for me because when I read his stories, I can actually picture every detail. Some other others (Turtledove) I find hard to read again because he tends to repeat himself alot, chapter after chapter. Love his stories, but please...... Anyway love your work, "Paul". Keep it up. Hope to meet you again, when you come back to sunny Florida.