whats getting us excited at the pictures for 2009 - Printable Version

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whats getting us excited at the pictures for 2009 - Medusa - 03-05-2009

sigokat Wrote:The new Star Trek film

Yes! Yes! I grew up on the original series! I really want to see this one!

whats getting us excited at the pictures for 2009 - cobalt - 03-05-2009

Star Trek for sure

whats getting us excited at the pictures for 2009 - RichE - 03-05-2009

I noticed the Star Trek trailer is up and the talk is they already screwed it up. A guy I know who loves Trek say's they have the wrong type uniforms (they were originally turtlenecks in the 2 pilots). Wonder how many other Trekkies will point it out?

whats getting us excited at the pictures for 2009 - cobalt - 03-05-2009

There are too many people out there that know waaaaayyyyy too much about Star Trek from years ago. Be afraid....very afraid.

whats getting us excited at the pictures for 2009 - chickybubs - 03-05-2009

[quote=Jamo]Harry Potter.... Guys, read the books, they are SO much bette Smile

Gotta second that the books are much better and the last potter film was such a huge let down but heres hoping for a better film this time roun - trailer certainly looks good.

Must admit not fancying star trek at all am not a huge fan of prequels as a rule but will reserve judgement till have seen it.

whats getting us excited at the pictures for 2009 - GeraldRice - 03-05-2009

cobalt79 Wrote:There are too many people out there that know waaaaayyyyy too much about Star Trek from years ago. Be afraid....very afraid.

The penultimate in Star Trek geekdom was fans complaining that pics of the ship were wrong because they incorporated features from future Enterprises. All I really care about is if they actually bothered to put a good story on film. Which if the rule of Trek holds true then they did because this one's an even number.

whats getting us excited at the pictures for 2009 - Murphy - 03-05-2009

GeraldRice Wrote:The penultimate in Star Trek geekdom was fans complaining that pics of the ship were wrong because they incorporated features from future Enterprises. All I really care about is if they actually bothered to put a good story on film. Which if the rule of Trek holds true then they did because this one's an even number.

I second that. I'm looking forward to this as a reboot. There is room in my affections for a new Star Trek to live next to the old one.... yet strangely enough, no room for Voyager in any form. *shrug*

Watchmen - absolutely

Looking futher afield in comics-based movies - I can hardly wait to see how they follow up on Iron Man

whats getting us excited at the pictures for 2009 - Brian - 03-05-2009

There's a few due out that come to mind.
Transformers II
Star Trek

whats getting us excited at the pictures for 2009 - Sam_Dumms - 03-10-2009

I've been out of touch with entertainment for the past year or so, I have desire to really see Wolverine's story. I've already seen the hopefuls for the year (in my opinion), Yes Man, Bedtime Stories, He's Just Not That Into You.

I gave up on watching the Harry Potter Films after the disappointment I felt after paying to see the first one. Isn't Twilight's New Moon (I hope I have that right..) coming out this year as well? (I think some time in November) Whatever happend to the new X-Files Film? Did I miss that one too? Arg..

Ah hopefully this summer I'll get to the theaters more and watch more upcomming theatrical events haha.

whats getting us excited at the pictures for 2009 - Scott Miller - 03-10-2009

X-Men Origins: Wolverine was one of the trailers for the Watchmen and it looks great. Besides some of the others mentioned, the only movie that I'm aware of coming out this year that I'm dying to see is The Wolfman.