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What are you watching for Halloween? - Mick C. - 10-31-2008

Av8or Wrote:Right now, finishing up Young Frankenstein. Smile After this, it'll probably be Saw III (the best of the 5 imo), and then, though not a horror flick, the "Av's House Halloween tradition" 2001 - A Space Odyssey.

The scene in YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN where Gene Wilder orders them to lock him in a room with the Creature never fails to make me laugh so hard I cry.

What are you watching for Halloween? - cobalt - 11-01-2008

We had Young Frankenstein on.......said all the classic lines with the cast and laughed our asses off. Then of course...Rocky Horror.....the time warp had the room rockin'

What are you watching for Halloween? - Scott Miller - 11-01-2008

Scott Miller Wrote:I rented Pathology and Teeth. Pathology stars Milo Ventimiglia as a medical student who enrolls in a prestigious forensics program where his fellow students are killers who try to outwit each other by generating cadavers whose causes of death are difficult to determine. Teeth is about a teenaged girl with teeth in the wrong part of her anatomy. I'll let you know what I think of them tomorrow.

Well I was only able to stay up long enough to watch Pathology and it was a near miss. The acting was decent, the premise intriguing and there was plenty of gore, but it suffered from some credibility issues. Milo's character, Teddy, was way too easily seduced by the murderous bunch and despite a strong performance by Michael Weston as the ringleading baddie, his Jake Gallo was a bit too wreckless to have been doing this for any length of time without having been caught. So overall it is a movie with appeal for horror fans, but nothing you need to break down the door to see.

What are you watching for Halloween? - Av8or - 11-01-2008

Mick C. Wrote:The scene in YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN where Gene Wilder orders them to lock him in a room with the Creature never fails to make me laugh so hard I cry.

Love that scene. Smile

cobalt79 Wrote:We had Young Frankenstein on.......said all the classic lines with the cast and laughed our asses off.

Where wolf?

There wolf....there castle.

Why are you talking like that?

I thought you wanted me to talk like that.

No...I don't want you to!

Suit yourself, I'm easy.


As it happens, Saw III was skipped in favor of FMC showing Phantom of the Paradise. SOMEHOW I had missed ever even KNOWING about this film.

DEFINITELY a cult classic...pretty much right up there with Rocky Horror. Smile

What are you watching for Halloween? - Mick C. - 11-01-2008

Av8or Wrote:Love that scene. Smile


As it happens, Saw III was skipped in favor of FMC showing Phantom of the Paradise. SOMEHOW I had missed ever even KNOWING about this film.

DEFINITELY a cult classic...pretty much right up there with Rocky Horror. Smile

That's been one of my favorite movies since it came out - I bought the original soundtrack on LP back then!

What are you watching for Halloween? - mad4tunes - 11-01-2008

As I usually do on Halloween night, I watched "Young Frankenstein".

My favorite line from the movie is where Gene Wilder is escorting Terri Garr and Madeline Kahn into the castle, and he turns to Marty Feldman and says,

"Igor, would you give me a hand with the bags?"

And Feldman waggles his eyebrows and says

" take the blonde, and I'll take the one in the turban!"

I'm usually laughing too hard to see what happens next.

Another favorite line...Wilder screams at Feldman, "DAMN YOUR EYES!"

And Feldman looks dead on into the camera and says "Too late..."

I used to go to the Rocky Horror Picture Show special midnight "audience participation" showing at the Harkins Theater over on Mill Avenue, but they quit doing it.

There was some excitement at the mad4tunes household, however...I sat in my rocker out on the front entryway in my gunfighter costume (picture Rooster Cogburn without the eyepatch) to hand out the Halloween candy, complete with .44-40 stage pistol that fires blanks.

I'd been handing candy out for about 15 minutes, and got up to refill one of the buckets, and one of the kids saw the pistol.

"Hey, Mr John, is that a REAL gun?"

"Nah", I replied, "If it was a REAL gun, I wouldn't DREAM of doing THIS!", and did a quick draw and fired off three shots into the air.

"COOOOOOLLLLL!!" was the chorus from the kids...and off they trooped into the night.

About five minutes later, here come Officers Zapatka and Gullah. They were not amused. Apparently, one of my neighbors was not amused, either, and had notified the law of "shots fired".

I showed them my carry permit, let them examine the stage pistol, and then they left...but admonished me NOT to fire off my stage pistol again.

Well...I told them to stuff it, unless they came back with an order from a judge, or could show me in the civil code where it's illegal to shoot a stage pistol.

After they left, I called the night shift desk sergeant, and told him what had happened. He told me not to worry about it, because I DO have a carry permit, and all I have is (as he called it) "a glorified cap gun".

But I think I'll think twice before I decide to thrill the crowds again.

What are you watching for Halloween? - Tony H - 11-03-2008

Sam Wrote:Ghost Hunters is having their annual live Halloween special from 7pm-2am. They will be at Fort Delaware, which is odd since they've had more active places in the past, and the schedule time is really dumb. Still gonna watch it though!

What a dissapointment this was. 7 hours of nothing...I don't know why they chose this location other than the size of it. Between camera problems and subjective experiences there wasn't anything that stood out.

The Miz got on my last nerve, why they had him as part of the crew other than to cross-promote ECW is beyond me. I never hoped for someone in a reality show to die before but damn if I wasn't hoping he would take a fall down a long flight of steps.

I actually bailed on this halfway through, though I have the full 7 hours taking up space on my DVR. Josh Gates was good for a laugh but other than that the 3rd annual live even was just plain miserable. I guess they can't all be The Stanley Hotel and Eastern State. I would have liked to see the Waverly as the haunt on this excursion.

What are you watching for Halloween? - Bluesman Mike Lindner - 11-03-2008

Mick C. Wrote:Thank Cthulhu for the American Movie Channel and Turner Movie Classic. My kids and I have spent the last few days watching Universal and Hammer (and other) horror classics: HORROR OF DRACULA, HOUSE OF DRACULA, the BRIDE / SON / HOUSE / CURSE OF FRANKENSTEIN, and THE THING FROM ANOTHER WORLD! TMC is doing a mini Lovecraft festival, too (HAUNTED PALCE, DUNWICH HORROR, THE SHUTTERED ROOM, etc.)!:p

Completing my sons' education...

I was watching my back, with a vial of holy water at the ready. 'Cause them demons...they ain't too mild.

What are you watching for Halloween? - Sam - 11-05-2008

AsMoral Wrote:What a dissapointment this was. 7 hours of nothing...I don't know why they chose this location other than the size of it. Between camera problems and subjective experiences there wasn't anything that stood out.

The Miz got on my last nerve, why they had him as part of the crew other than to cross-promote ECW is beyond me. I never hoped for someone in a reality show to die before but damn if I wasn't hoping he would take a fall down a long flight of steps.

I actually bailed on this halfway through, though I have the full 7 hours taking up space on my DVR. Josh Gates was good for a laugh but other than that the 3rd annual live even was just plain miserable. I guess they can't all be The Stanley Hotel and Eastern State. I would have liked to see the Waverly as the haunt on this excursion.

I was also annoyed with all the promos for the guest-hunters and the Q&A with them about their shows. I wasn't able to watch the show that night because i got called into work. Thankfully I taped it and was able to FF through all the stupidity, namely The Miz. What an asswipe!! I was hoping he'd get a swift kick in the junk from a pissed spirit, anything to shut his blustery yap. The actress from Sanctuary actually turned out to be a good investigator. The other guy wasn't too annoying, and Josh was... Josh.

There wasn't a whole lot that happened but I think you must have bailed before the events with Grant. I was able to rewind time and again to use slo-mo and they have something on film that is pretty much undeniable. Guess we'll have to wait for this week's episode to see what else they may have caught. And the new investigation this week looks promising.

I figured they would have went back to the Trans Allegheny Lunatic Asylum. Some friends from work and I are planning an overnight tour there some day soon - knock wood. The old Moundsville State Pen is also on our list for an overnighter, and we'll most likely visit it first. I looked into a Waverly overnight tour in the past but it was booked way too far ahead. We figured to wait until the craze cooled off. I don't care where we go, I just want to go! It'll be my first "hunt" and I've been itching to do this for a long time. I'm hoping to walk away with some nice pics, at least one video clip of something, and my trousers full of poop from a terrifying experience.

What are you watching for Halloween? - Susan - 11-05-2008

That show sucked black wind. Then I taped two other supposed "true horror stories" and they sucked too. Oh, the suckiness!
