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Fringe - Pleiades - 09-12-2008

I recorded it and watched the DVR last night. I guess I agree with the general consensus. Give it a few more episodes and see if it goes anywhere good.

I did note that the going in to his dreams part was very much like "Mirage" by FPW.

Fringe - Paige - 09-17-2008

Fringe, x-Files, Torchwood, Sanctuary, Primeval....I liked it, but there were very little in the way of an original thought.

Fringe - redheadmargo - 10-01-2008

I must say that I disagree with the majority consensus on this series. I really enjoy this program. Agreed, the son is a little cheesy, but I love the father's total honesty and wonder at how things have changed since he has been committed. House at eight, Fringe at nine......I am totally there on tuesdays.

Fringe - Barry Lee Dejasu - 10-03-2008

My thoughts:

  • Very slow-moving.
  • Not terribly engaging (the pilots and first several episodes of The X-Files, LOST, and Heroes all had many hooks deeply embedded in me that wouldn't let go even if I got bored with the shows.)
  • Not quite predictable, but very obvious. MINOR spoiler (as far as I'm concerned, at least): [SPOILER]The boss figure has dealings with the shady company that always has something to do with the plot of each episode?[/SPOILER] Say it ain't so! Rolleyes
  • As someone from Massachusetts, I'm perplexed at some of the locations that they use to represent settings.
  • Similarly, the girl who works with the main characters (obviously she's very engaging, that's why I remembered her name) said at one point she was from "Ditton." Is that supposed to be DIGHTON, the immediate neighboring town that even the most backwards Massholes that I've grown up with know how to pronounce? Please tell me I heard wrong.

  • Anna Torv is charismatic and likable, and luckily is the lead character.
  • Joshua Jackson is becoming more funny and less annoying, at least to me. A bit too slowly for the show's own good, but it's helpful.
  • John Noble's eccentric (alright: mad) scientist is likable AND funny. Now that's a deal.
  • I always enjoy science fiction conspiracy mysteries by default.
I'll give it two more chances (and I taped this week's episode but just haven't watched it yet), but if I'm not hooked by then, I'm going to dedicate my 9:00 Tuesday night slot for Simon Baker's show The Mentalist.

Oh, and on a separate note, I finally saw The Midnight Meat Train, review coming exclusively to the Repairman Jack Message Board very soon!

Fringe - KRW - 10-03-2008

Barry Lee Dejasu Wrote:Oh, and on a separate note, I finally saw The Midnight Meat Train, review coming exclusively to the Repairman Jack Message Board very soon!

Enough already, you tease! HOW WAS IT!!!!Smile

Fringe - Barry Lee Dejasu - 10-14-2008

Barry Lee Dejasu Wrote:I'll give it two more chances (and I taped this week's episode but just haven't watched it yet), but if I'm not hooked by then...

Well, I gave it one of those two chances yesterday (I finally watched the fourth episode, from two weeks ago), and I must say I'm...impressed!

Finally, with "The Arrival," there was an episode that was mysterious--but kept me wanting to find out just what was going on (I'm looking at you, Observer...). Additionally...
  • The company (the name escapes me at the moment), for ONCE, didn't have anything to do with what was going on. At least as far as I could tell.
  • There was some actual emotion going on - the father-son talk at the end was pretty moving.
Granted, it was the usual "LOST Files" kind of formula (big mystery behind every episode, and although there's a climax, the "mini-mystery" in the episode doesn't quite explain itself), but I must say that with my hope for the show dwindling, this episode added to the thread I'm hanging onto.

I'll give tonight's episode another shot. We'll see.

Fringe - GeraldRice - 10-14-2008

[quote=Barry Lee Dejasu]My thoughts:

  • Similarly, the girl who works with the main characters (obviously she's very engaging, that's why I remembered her name) said at one point she was from "Ditton." Is that supposed to be DIGHTON, the immediate neighboring town that even the most backwards Massholes that I've grown up with know how to pronounce? Please tell me I heard wrong.

That makes me think of some movie whose name I can't remember where the main character was supposed to be from a place in Michigan called MackiNACK Island. Well, it's spelled Mackinac, but it's pronounced MackiNAW.

Fringe - Ken Valentine - 10-15-2008

GeraldRice Wrote:That makes me think of some movie whose name I can't remember where the main character was supposed to be from a place in Michigan called MackiNACK Island. Well, it's spelled Mackinac, but it's pronounced MackiNAW.
Kind of reminds me of a line from that old Errol Flynn movie CAPTAIN BLOOD:

"I told I was a gunner didn't I?"

"That you did, you son of a Yorkshire Steer!"

(A "Steer" is a bull that has been . . . um . . . castrated!) Big Grin

Ken V.

Fringe - Scott Hajek - 10-16-2008

I've given each week a chance, and I will continue watching it. It got better. The character development is coming along quite well.

Though, a common theme in this thread is about the lack of originality. There are too many shows that are similar. LOST, Fringe, X-Files, Sanctuary, etc.