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Introducing Our New Wiki! - Silverfish - 08-20-2008

Update August 20 2008

Hi everyone. I have successfully migrated our page to a TiddlySpot location, so you'll have to all change your bookmarks. Sorry about that.

The new address is

Thanks everyone.


Introducing Our New Wiki! - Dave F - 08-21-2008

So when can we start editing

Small change for you to make

Very minor spoiler for new Nightworld

[SPOILER]Alicia Clayton entry - she is also in the revised Nightworld[/SPOILER]

Introducing Our New Wiki! - Silverfish - 08-22-2008

Hi Everyone,
I'm on vacation until the 27th. Dave, I'll add that when I get back - love the pic.

Re: everyone editing. It's still new enough that it's my "baby." I want to get the basic structure down first, so everyone can fill in empty tiddlers, instead of creating their own in all directions and having majorly disorganized content. I would be oepn to eventually sharing the password, and co-editing with a small group of people. I definitely don't want someone that I don't trust to change the password and hijack it or soemthing. :eek: I still want to find out the other features this TiddlyWiki allows, and I am considering applying a theme to the pages. I wouldn't want to be overhauling it while someone else is making changes and have it fry on us, or wipe out our data, or something. Anyways, more on that after my long-awaited vacation.


Introducing Our New Wiki! - Libby - 08-22-2008

Neat. That is really good.

Introducing Our New Wiki! - Dave F - 08-22-2008

Silverfish Wrote:Hi Everyone,
I'm on vacation until the 27th. Dave, I'll add that when I get back - love the pic.

Re: everyone editing. It's still new enough that it's my "baby." I want to get the basic structure down first, so everyone can fill in empty tiddlers, instead of creating their own in all directions and having majorly disorganized content. I would be oepn to eventually sharing the password, and co-editing with a small group of people. I definitely don't want someone that I don't trust to change the password and hijack it or soemthing. :eek: I still want to find out the other features this TiddlyWiki allows, and I am considering applying a theme to the pages. I wouldn't want to be overhauling it while someone else is making changes and have it fry on us, or wipe out our data, or something. Anyways, more on that after my long-awaited vacation.


Once you are ready to share you could allocate tasks - for example ask someone to do characters in a certain book. That way you keep an element of control.

This is a massive underaking and I'm sure you can trust a number of people here to not sabotage your baby

Just let us know when you are ready for our help

Oh and have a great holiday

Re the photo - it is my first attempt to merge three seperate photos to get a single view of a stone circle. It is ok, but the light conditions on the far right hand section are different to the rest of the pic. Hopefully will be going back this week-end to get a full set of photos wit the same light features

I may the get one made into canvas & see if I can sell it on e-bay

Introducing Our New Wiki! - dejo - 08-26-2008

Any chance this wiki could be customized to avoid spoilers? For quite some time now, I've wanted to put together a wiki that includes the ability for users to specify what they have and have not read and thus customize the information displayed to avoid spoilers, a mechanism I was branding SPAMEL™ (the SPoiler Avoidance MEchanism utiLity). I had even put together a quick prototype wiki but never have been able to take the time to figure out how to incorporate the SPAMEL, a key concept in my view. So, can "The Unofficial F. Paul Wilson Wiki" have a SPAMEL?

Introducing Our New Wiki! - Silverfish - 08-27-2008

dejo Wrote:Any chance this wiki could be customized to avoid spoilers?...SPAMELâ„¢ (the SPoiler Avoidance MEchanism utiLity)...So, can "The Unofficial F. Paul Wilson Wiki" have a SPAMEL?

I had forgetten about SPAMEL, Dejo. Thanks for bringing it up again. (With the Maple Leaf recalls, it's better to go canned. :eekSmile

What if I set up 2 tiddlers for each entry: the first with a non-spoiler write up, and the second (linked at the bottom of the first) with spoilers. Then you only click on the Spoiler tiddler if you want to read it.

This would mean having twice the amount of content, and write-ups for books and events would have to be carefully worded and linked properly.

Can we use Wapitikev's Demonsong article for example: would you consider this entire entry to be a spoiler, because it reveals the entire plot? Would only the first two paragraphs would be allowed in the non-spoiler entry?

What if we kept spoilers (for one thing) out of unrelated tiddlers (for others). So there would be no information on say, Reborn, except in the actual Reborn entry. Then if I don't want spoilers for Reborn, I don't read that entry, and there won't be Reborn spoilers anywhere else. Would this satisfy your criteria, Dejo? (Honestly, I don't think search paramaters can be so finely tuned. I would like it if they were.)

Ok, those are some ideas to think about for now. I'll think it over, and I know that together we can work out a good solution.


Introducing Our New Wiki! - Wapitikev - 08-28-2008

Silverfish Wrote:Can we use Wapitikev's Demonsong article for example: would you consider this entire entry to be a spoiler, because it reveals the entire plot? Would only the first two paragraphs would be allowed in the non-spoiler entry?

What if we kept spoilers (for one thing) out of unrelated tiddlers (for others). So there would be no information on say, Reborn, except in the actual Reborn entry. Then if I don't want spoilers for Reborn, I don't read that entry, and there won't be Reborn spoilers anywhere else. Would this satisfy your criteria, Dejo? (Honestly, I don't think search paramaters can be so finely tuned. I would like it if they were.)


Hey Dejo, Stephanie, Quizno's doesn't use Maple no food poisoning for me. I am, however recovering from brain damage (I stopped being a Toronto Maple Leafs fan 4 years ago).


I would recommend that the first three paragraphs of the Demonsong Wiki could stay and then a serious paraphrasing would have to occur for the rest of the plot in order to avoid spoilers.

The "Publication History" and the "Anagrams for Rasalom" sections could stay but the "List of Characters" and the "Interconnections" sections would definitely get excluded.

I'll take a stab at the spoiler friendly plot-summary and post it here.


Introducing Our New Wiki! - Silverfish - 08-28-2008

So you are advocating Idea #1? Or have them one on top of the other, but mark one as non spoiler, and one as spoiler?


Introducing Our New Wiki! - Wapitikev - 08-28-2008

Silverfish Wrote:So you are advocating Idea #1? Or have them one on top of the other, but mark one as non spoiler, and one as spoiler?


...more Idea 1 than Idea 2. We could sort of use Idea 2 in the Idea 1 setup by keeping Interconnections and references to other works out of the SPAMEL™ wiki, but I am definitely not in favour of keeping interconnections out of the non-SPAMEL™ wiki (where the spoiler tiddlies are).
