THE WATCHMEN Trailer - Printable Version

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THE WATCHMEN Trailer - Kenji - 07-18-2008

Mick C. Wrote:Looks pretty wicked:

It's Fan.Tas.Tic and Ar.Tis.Tic! :thumbsup:

I really can't wait.

THE WATCHMEN Trailer - The Karl - 07-22-2008

Looking forward to this movie big-time. As are my roommates and friends. Already had to scour that trailer for a decent pic of the Comedian so I could make an icon for a friend.

THE WATCHMEN Trailer - jonledon - 07-22-2008

This movie will be awsome! And....I enjoyed the piss outta 300. In fact the only negative opinions I've ever heard about 300 have been in this thread. Idea

THE WATCHMEN Trailer - Mick C. - 07-22-2008

I am looking forward to the movie. If I have any qualms, it's that the characters look a little too perfect - like they spent the requisite time with personal trainers getting ready for the movie. One of the interesting thing about the graphic novel is you had a sense of real people wearing the costumes - the Watchmen had gained a little weight over the years, etc.

I still can't wait to see it. And I like the Smashing Pumpkins track on the trailer.

THE WATCHMEN Trailer - jimbow8 - 07-22-2008

jonledon Wrote:This movie will be awsome! And....I enjoyed the piss outta 300. In fact the only negative opinions I've ever heard about 300 have been in this thread. Idea

Here's another one. I couldn't even sit through it. I did, however, surprisingly like the recent animated version of Beowulf.

THE WATCHMEN Trailer - law dawg - 07-23-2008

thisisatest Wrote:Steve D

Entertainment Weekly July 25, 2008 edition has the Watchmen on the cover and a synopsis article within. Virtually unknown cast (except for the father from the tv show Supernatural as The Comedian). Can you believe I've been waiting over twenty years for this movie? Hope the "300" director doesn't do a "300" on it. The trailer is a bit psychodelic for my blood (although I do recognize all the scenes from the comic books).

The pirate sub-plot from the Watchmen series is being filmed separately and will be an extra on the dvd set.

At least the wait is over. Good or bad, here it comes: March 2009. Pending a noocler attack, I'll be first in line to see the midnight show.
Say what you will about 300, but it was remarkably faithful to the GN in pretty much all ways. That bodes well for Watchmen.

THE WATCHMEN Trailer - GeraldRice - 07-23-2008

That's probably why I loved it. I hadn't read the graphic novel, but I've loved everything I've ever read by Frank Miller. As a side note, The Spirit looks pretty good too.

THE WATCHMEN Trailer - Automatic Jack - 07-26-2008

I really don't know what to think about Frank Miller's The Spirit. All the parts of the comic I've read involved the Spirit getting beaten up with lighthearted comic relief on the side. I know Eisner's character had his dark moments but I never really imagined him standing on five-foot concrete letters spelling out "MY CITY SCREAMS" while he spouts off lines like "The city is my mother... And I am its Spirit!"

I guess expected it to be a little warmer, not so much Sin City in a domino mask. But we shall see.

As for Watchmen, I always find it amusing how Alan Moore immediately distances himself from any film project involving his work. "It might be good. I liked the screenplay. But I'm never going to see it!!"

THE WATCHMEN Trailer - law dawg - 07-26-2008

GeraldRice Wrote:That's probably why I loved it. I hadn't read the graphic novel, but I've loved everything I've ever read by Frank Miller. As a side note, The Spirit looks pretty good too.

Samuel Jackson? What's not to love? Smile