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Fan Fiction - lexator222 - 04-20-2008

Ends what? This discussion? :-o


Fan Fiction - Wapitikev - 04-20-2008

lexator222 Wrote:Ends what? This discussion? :-o


10-4. Cool


Fan Fiction - Maggers - 04-21-2008

For the record, I had a PM exchange with FPW who was pleased to see that this issue of fan fiction writing on this board has been put to rest.

Fan Fiction - cobalt - 04-21-2008

Maggers Wrote:For the record, I had a PM exchange with FPW who was pleased to see that this issue of fan fiction writing on this board has been put to rest.

That, is a very good thing.

Fan Fiction - lexator222 - 04-27-2008

Well, getting slammed down so totally, especially by the man himself, leaves me feeling all warm and fuzzy inside........

guess it's time to move on!

Fan Fiction - Bluesman Mike Lindner - 04-27-2008

lexator222 Wrote:Well, getting slammed down so totally, especially by the man himself, leaves me feeling all warm and fuzzy inside........

guess it's time to move on!

Don't feel bad, lexator! Copyright issues are very real. I remember back in 1998, Jimmy Webb (the great songwriter) had an event at B&N Lincoln Triangle, where I work. Jimmy was gracious, took a minute to talk with each fan who came to see him. But he would =not= accept any cassettes of original music. Again, copyright issues. But didn't he play the champ when an elderly lady tried to press upon him some of her lyrics. "You could write music to them, Jimmy!" " can too! I know you can!"

Fan Fiction - Libby - 04-28-2008

This thread is going on for a long time talking about how it is now closed.Big Grin

Fan Fiction - lexator222 - 04-29-2008

Wellllllllllll........Since I was the one who "opened" it (along with my MOUTH!! heheh) Then am I the one who has to "Close" it????

Newbie here, I don't know better! ;-)

Fan Fiction - Libby - 04-29-2008

lexator222 Wrote:Newbie here, I don't know better! ;-)

That makes two of us.Big Grin And you don't have to be the one to close it.

Fan Fiction - mores - 04-29-2008

Fan fiction is also dangerous ... it might totally confuse you and you end up with a totally warped timeline, list of events, characters etc.

I once made the mistake of reading some HP fan fiction, not knowing it was FF. (yeah, I didn't want to wait for the book to come to my country, so I googled and found some HTML files ... ).

So when I talked to my friends about the newest HP there were some serious arguments. I finally figured out I didn't read the real thing.

I'll stay away from FF from now on. Spin-offs, what-could-have-beens etc. happen in my head all the time, I don't need someone else to write it down for me.