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RJ Products Designs - Ken Valentine - 07-29-2004

Susan Wrote:Hi all,

Me again. I have 3 finalists for design that goes on the RJ products. I am willing to change these or combine them, etc. Please post your feedback here. Tell me what you like, don't like or even come up with a new idea.

They're all great, but I like number three best. Even though it kinda, sorta, reminds me of Jurassic Park III.

Ken V.

RJ Products Designs - Ken Valentine - 07-29-2004

Susan Wrote:Proportions off on #1? I'm cornfused. It's the Jack silhouette up close and the NY skyline behind it.


The proportions are fine. It's the slashes that are backward, and not long enough. Big Grin (They go from HIS left shoulder to his right ribs.)

Also wondering if you think that suitcase ought to be removed from his left hand to narrow the lower portion of the silhouette a bit. It looks just a bit too triangular to me.

Ken - ducking and running - V.

RJ Products Designs - Terry Willacker - 07-29-2004

I love all three. If I had to pick, I'd say I like #1 best.

RJ Products Designs - DaveStrorm - 07-29-2004

I think I'd pick #1. Even though I still think there is something strange about the silhouette. It looks to me like Jack has either a toothpick neck or he's wearing a sweater with a giant neck hole.

RJ Products Designs - Susan - 07-29-2004

Ken Valentine Wrote:The proportions are fine. It's the slashes that are backward, and not long enough. Big Grin (They go from HIS left shoulder to his right ribs.)

Also wondering if you think that suitcase ought to be removed from his left hand to narrow the lower portion of the silhouette a bit. It looks just a bit too triangular to me.

Ken - ducking and running - V.

LOL! Nice catch, Ken! I was aware of the slash problem. I intend to fix it. I'll look into the suitcase (if that's what that is) issue as well.


RJ Products Designs - Susan - 07-29-2004

DaveStrorm Wrote:I think I'd pick #1. Even though I still think there is something strange about the silhouette. It looks to me like Jack has either a toothpick neck or he's wearing a sweater with a giant neck hole.

Oh my. I didn't design the Jack silhouette, so I can't help you there!


RJ Products Designs - Kenji - 07-29-2004

Susan Wrote:Hi all,

Me again. I have 3 finalists for design that goes on the RJ products. I am willing to change these or combine them, etc. Please post your feedback here. Tell me what you like, don't like or even come up with a new idea.

Hey Susan. I like all of three. But #1 is best.

If you change something, #1 + Rakoshi's eyes and talons behind Jack. That would be cool. Wink

RJ Products Designs - Ken Valentine - 07-29-2004

Susan Wrote:LOL! Nice catch, Ken! I was aware of the slash problem. I intend to fix it. I'll look into the suitcase (if that's what that is) issue as well.


Well, when you click onto welcome and go through the "when all else fails" intro, look at the silhouette of Jack. Doesn't it look like he has a suitcase in his left hand? And doesn't it look like Samsonite? Wink

Sometimes I wish my run-away imagination would just keep on running . . . and leave me behind. Rolleyes

Ken V.

P.S. The slashes going diagonally from Jacks left to right indicates that Scarlip is right handed . . . doncha think?

RJ Products Designs - DaveStrorm - 07-29-2004

Susan Wrote:Oh my. I didn't design the Jack silhouette, so I can't help you there!


Come on! Admit it! You're the mysterious designer behind the silhouette. Big Grin

Actually, I noticed that the first time I saw it on a book jacket. To paraphrase Elaine from Seinfeld, he looks like a walking candy apple. I still like it, I just think his neck is too thin or something.

RJ Products Designs - jimbow8 - 07-29-2004

Susan Wrote:Proportions off on #1? I'm cornfused. It's the Jack silhouette up close and the NY skyline behind it.

The head looks too small.