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Ryan Reynolds' Co-Stars: One Degree of Separation - Ken Valentine - 09-19-2007

Maggers Wrote:I couldn't disagree more. Luis Guzman is the consummate Latino New Yorker and his body shape should have no bearing on his ability to play the role. He's always fun to watch and he's sly. I think he'd make a great Julio.

The "image" of Julio that I get from the novels is as he's described: short, very heavily muscled, pencil line moustache, slicked-back hair, tends to wear sleeveless sweatshirts and nasty-smelling cologne. There's no mention of his age.

Although Louis Guzman doesn't fit the image in my mind, I agree that he'd still be great for the part.

Ken V.

Ryan Reynolds' Co-Stars: One Degree of Separation - GeraldRice - 09-20-2007

Maggers Wrote:I couldn't disagree more. Luis Guzman is the consummate Latino New Yorker and his body shape should have no bearing on his ability to play the role. He's always fun to watch and he's sly. I think he'd make a great Julio.

To me, Julio's physical condition plays into his character. He's short and heavily muscled, a Napoleon complex if there ever was one. I wouldn't have a problem with Guzman if he had the will to get muscled up. He just wouldn't look right if he was the same chubby chub that he is in every movie. But I have no problem with Guzman as an actor.

Ryan Reynolds' Co-Stars: One Degree of Separation - Dave F - 09-20-2007

GeraldRice Wrote:Luis Guzman is too fat to play Julio (and too old). Unless he can slim down and muscle up I can't agree.

Not sure about too old, but I agree there someone with a better build

Danny Trejo

I seem to be alone on this one - but the guy is Julio for me

[Image: desperado_20.jpg]

Ryan Reynolds' Co-Stars: One Degree of Separation - Kenji - 09-20-2007

I think John Leguizamo is perfect to Julio.

Ryan Reynolds' Co-Stars: One Degree of Separation - webby - 09-20-2007

Britfan Wrote:Not sure about too old, but I agree there someone with a better build

Danny Trejo

I seem to be alone on this one - but the guy is Julio for me

[Image: desperado_20.jpg]

Too tall.

Kenji Wrote:I think John Leguizamo is perfect to Julio.

Too young.

A somewhat more muscular Luis Guzman... Perfect!

Ryan Reynolds' Co-Stars: One Degree of Separation - Al-Dog - 09-20-2007

webby Wrote:Too tall.
I had thought Danny Trejo was tall, but according to IMDb he’s only 5' 6½".

Quote:A somewhat more muscular Luis Guzman... Perfect!
How about Oscar Gutiérrez (aka Rey Mysterio)? I don’t know if he can act, but physically, he’d be perfect for the part.

Ryan Reynolds' Co-Stars: One Degree of Separation - webby - 09-20-2007

Al-Dog Wrote:I had thought Danny Trejo was tall, but according to IMDb he’s only 5' 6½".

:eek: That's amazing - I had no idea! Man, you just can't trust Hollywood! :p

Al-Dog Wrote:How about Oscar Gutiérrez (aka Rey Mysterio)? I don’t know if he can act, but physically, he’d be perfect for the part.

I'm still pretty well set on Luis Guzman, although now that I know Danny Trejo is barely taller than me, I may eventually change my mind. More importantly, they're both fine actors.

I'd rather compromise a little bit on the physical attributes if necessary to get good actors.

Ryan Reynolds' Co-Stars: One Degree of Separation - Noelie - 09-20-2007

Even though Luis Guzman's build is wrong, he's still who I have seen (and heard) in my head since the first RJ book I ever read. He just fits the part, to me. Wink

Ryan Reynolds' Co-Stars: One Degree of Separation - GeraldRice - 09-21-2007

I'd rather see a guy we're not familiar with. Danny Trejo would probably be fine (despite his advanced age- I think he's near 60) if not for the fact we've seen him EVERYWHERE. He's almost a ca-ri-ca-ture (I just realized I'm not sure how to spell that).

I always pictured Julio as younger. Maybe 20-ish looking but somewhere in his 30s. How about Jay Hernandez from Hostel? Give him a little mustache and throw some muscle on him; I think he could work. And he's a pretty good actor.