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Hot Fuzz Review - saynomore - 04-22-2007

Just came from seeing it. Funneeee! Would see it again. Loved the "goth" premise of the story. Reminded me of Murder on the Orient Express. Equal to if not better than Shaun of the Dead--in laughs anyway.


Hot Fuzz Review - Sigokat - 09-11-2007

Watched this last night on DVD for the first time and it was awesome. I thoroughly enjoyed Shaun of the Dead as well so I knew that these guys would deliver here.

Yes, the last 30 minutes is the best part, lots of violence, blood, and gore, and they did up the swearing at the end, but it was great.

The gun battles were absurdly funny and the witty dialouge during the gun fights had me rewinding a number of times!!

Which on was Edward Woodward? As much as I enjoyed him in the original Wicker Man I did not recognize him in this movie.

Hot Fuzz Review - cobalt - 09-11-2007

We watched this one the other day. Funny, but then again you knew it would be. Timothy Dalton made a great swarthy type.

Hot Fuzz Review - Dave - 09-12-2007

sigokat Wrote:Which on was Edward Woodward? As much as I enjoyed him in the original Wicker Man I did not recognize him in this movie.
He played the neighbourhood watch man with his own cctv network in the police station.

A Big Bushy Beard!


Hot Fuzz Review - Sigokat - 09-12-2007

Dave Wrote:He played the neighbourhood watch man with his own cctv network in the police station.

A Big Bushy Beard!


aahhhh, ok...didn't even realize that was him!


Hot Fuzz Review - Terry Willacker - 09-12-2007

We just saw this movie on pay per view. We liked it so much we bought it again a couple of days later.

Hot Fuzz Review - GeraldRice - 09-12-2007

It might have been because I had a baby who wouldn't let me pay as much attention as I would have liked, I thought the first 2/3rds were excellent but the last third fell off for me. I'll have to catch it again on HBO or Showtime or something.

Hot Fuzz Review - Scott Miller - 10-25-2007

A bit too long but quite funny. The ending gun battle was absolutely fabulous-they lampooned every buddy cop cliche known to man. And that scene at the church was wicked; I super slow-moed it a couple of times.

Hot Fuzz Review - Kenji - 07-11-2008

Today I'm very happy. You know what?

I'm going to see HOT FUZZ! *Yeah!* :xd:

As a matter of fact, this movie should've been un-release. But some people did campaign to collect signatures for theatrical release in Japan. Signatures collected were 2600 over. Finally, we can see this in a theatre now.

You can't believe it? So check this out.

Hot Fuzz Review - GeraldRice - 07-11-2008

GeraldRice Wrote:Whoa! Did you see Anthony Woodward? He looks so... so... old. That wasn't the Equalizer we all knew and loved.

Wow. I posted this not knowing at the time it was the same day my daughter was being born. Ah, nostalgia.