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Got My Thingy Today! - IanSF - 12-13-2006

cobalt79 Wrote:I also received my Christmas Thingy today. Also scored a copy of Others
I've ordered the same, hope they come before Christmas. After seeing 'Pelts' I can't wait to see more of the Good Doctor's works on screen.

Got My Thingy Today! - Dave F - 12-13-2006

IanSF Wrote:I've ordered the same, hope they come before Christmas. After seeing 'Pelts' I can't wait to see more of the Good Doctor's works on screen.

Where did you get Pelts from Ian - would love to get a copy

Got My Thingy Today! - jimbow8 - 12-13-2006

Britfan Wrote:Where did you get Pelts from Ian - would love to get a copy
Pelts was one of the recent episodes of Showtime's Masters of Horror.

Got My Thingy Today! - Dave F - 12-13-2006

jimbow8 Wrote:Pelts was one of the recent episodes of Showtime's Masters of Horror.

Just wondrerd how Ian had got a copy in the UK

And if I could borrow it if possible

Got My Thingy Today! - Dave F - 12-14-2006

Just wanted to say thank you to FPW - got my signed Thingy today

My daughter will be thrilled.

Got My Thingy Today! - IanSF - 12-14-2006

[Image: woohoo.gif]
'Thingy' and 'Others' DVD arrived today.

Got My Thingy Today! - Auskar - 12-15-2006

Is a Christmas Thingy anything like a Christmas Watchamacallit?

Got My Thingy Today! - cobalt - 12-15-2006

I've read Thingy to Kayden twice so far. Now we have a new holiday tradition! I must say, when I switch voices and hold my nose to imitate Thingy, Kayden follows along and holds his nose.


"Others" is great. Love that cameo! My favorite, Traps. Sometimes NOT showing a creature/horror/moment makes the scene so much more creepy.

Got My Thingy Today! - - 12-15-2006

Hey gang, the majority of you -- the vast majority -- should have your Thingies by now, or today.

There were some cases of us having not received payment yet, either by paypal or check or credit card problems. I've emailed those people, but today we shipped out (via Priority Mail) ALL copies, even if they havn't been paid for yet. We wanted to make sure everyone got their copies before Christmas, and I just went on the honor policy that I'd get payment for it (I did this last year, and out of 120 copies or so, I think there was only one I ultimately didn't get paid for). Everyone in the United States who ordered a Thingy should have it absolutely no later than next Tuesday. Everyone outside of the U.S. should have it by next Wednesday or Thursday, although I can't 100% guarantee that since I have no control over customs in various countries.

Thanks again to everyone and I hope you all enjoy your Thingies!


Got My Thingy Today! - Dave F - 12-15-2006

[quote=cobalt79]I've read Thingy to Kayden twice so far. Now we have a new holiday tradition! I must say, when I switch voices and hold my nose to imitate Thingy, Kayden follows along and holds his nose. quote]

Our holiday tradition is to read 'Twas the night before christmas every christamas eve.

My kids are getting a bit old - so I guess I'll have to read it to myself this year