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This is Spinal Tap - Bluesman Mike Lindner - 10-09-2006

Maggers Wrote:I didn't.

A real, semi-Spinal Tap tale, Maggers. Back in '92, guess it was, I hung with a band called the Plizmos. Never appeared with 'em on stage, but I wrote some lyrics and jammed with the hombres in rehearsal spaces. Well, a sad story--after a gig, going back to our lead guitarist's place on East 7th, the cab driver took off with all the gear--guitars, bass, amps. Next morning, Ken Guarino (guitar), Tony Crum (bass), Rick Reckless (drums) and I pondered this grim situation. Belched, scratched, had another brew, and pondered a little more. Rick was mindful the band had another gig scheduled. "Well, shit, guys, we can still play. Right?" And Tony, God love him, replied, "Yeah, right, Rick. We can fucking do it. Three acoustic guitars and a pair of fucking bongos. We'll even let you sing this time.":eek:

This is Spinal Tap - Scott Miller - 10-09-2006

The Mad American Wrote:The lost in the back stage scene...

To this day, whenever I'm lost I always ask if Cleveland is ready to rock.

Count me in; TISP is a comedy classic and if you don't think so you can lick my love pump.

This is Spinal Tap - Maggers - 10-09-2006

Scott Miller Wrote:To this day, whenever I'm lost I always ask if Cleveland is ready to rock.

Count me in; TISP is a comedy classic and if you don't think so you can lick my love pump.

ROFL! Scott, you crack me up. A film reaches true classic status when you find yourself using the lines in real life, and there are so many from TIST. I have the suspicion that I'll start asking myself if Cleveland is ready to rock now and I'll think of this post and the film.

"TISP?" "This Is Spinal Pap?" Pap smear in your future?Big Grin

This is Spinal Tap - The Mad American - 10-09-2006

Scott Miller Wrote:To this day, whenever I'm lost I always ask if Cleveland is ready to rock.

Count me in; TISP is a comedy classic and if you don't think so you can lick my love pump.

Aahh yeah. I have used that line on occasion as well. Oh the Lick my love pump scene is priceless as well. Beautiful piano piece I been working on....hehe.

This is Spinal Tap - Kenji - 10-10-2006

The Mad American Wrote:Oh yeah as Richard said this movie is the holy grail for rock musicians and there are far too many hilarious scenes to list all of them.

The airport metal detector scene....How much more black?....The lost in the back stage scene...stuck in the pod...oy so many.

Oh, yeah! Stuck in the pod scene was too funny! Big Grin

This is Spinal Tap - Kenji - 10-10-2006

Has anyone noticed Billy Crystal in this movie? Big Grin

I didn't notice him until I see credit title.

This is Spinal Tap - Mick C. - 10-27-2006

Christopher Guest went on to write, direct, and produce a series of really funny mock-documentaries after writing and appearing in Spinal Tap - if you haven't seen them, check them out - WAITING FOR GUFFMAN (small town plays), A MIGHTY WIND (folk singing), and BEST OF SHOW (dog shows). Essentially the same cast in each (many of whom, like Michael McKean and Harry Shearer, were also in SPINAL TAP). There's a new one coming out in November about the Oscars.

A old friend of mine was the sound editor on all of them, and he told me they were a pleasure to work on - everyone on the set is supportive and likes working together, and everyone is talented. There is a basic storyline and the actors just improvise most of the lines.

This is Spinal Tap - Maggers - 10-27-2006

Mick C. Wrote:Christopher Guest went on to write, direct, and produce a series of really funny mock-documentaries after writing and appearing in Spinal Tap - if you haven't seen them, check them out - WAITING FOR GUFFMAN (small town plays), A MIGHTY WIND (folk singing), and BEST OF SHOW (dog shows). Essentially the same cast in each (many of whom, like Michael McKean and Harry Shearer, were also in SPINAL TAP). There's a new one coming out in November about the Oscars.

A old friend of mine was the sound editor on all of them, and he told me they were a pleasure to work on - everyone on the set is supportive and likes working together, and everyone is talented. There is a basic storyline and the actors just improvise most of the lines.

I love those movies, and I can't wait to see "For Your Consideration," which arrives soon. It's about the making of "Home for Purim," which, if you know what Purim is, is an hysterical concept.

This is Spinal Tap - Scott Miller - 05-22-2007

Maggers Wrote:I love those movies, and I can't wait to see "For Your Consideration," which arrives soon. It's about the making of "Home for Purim," which, if you know what Purim is, is an hysterical concept.

I watched it last night and it was by far my least favorite of Guest's movies. Fred Willard had some good bits, but even he wasn't as funny I've come to expect from these mockumentaries.

This is Spinal Tap - bones weep tedium - 05-23-2007

I bought this as a double VHS set with the sequel, which was an awful cheap made-for-TV looking documentary about what the band members got up to after the band split up. Did anybody else see this? Did anyone find it funny?:confused: