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Ultraviolet - Jay #1 - 06-26-2006

let's just say I'm glad I saw it before I saw your review...

but then, I knew 1) it was going to be written with a similar plot style to comic books (not Ultimates) 2) The plot wouldn't be as big as I would like.

I went for the fighting. And yes, there was a hot woman playing the lead too.

xmradiodave Wrote:If you have any friends who say..."Hey, lets go see Ultraviolet", gently lean over, and bite hard and deep into their cheek. Trust me, they will thank you later.

Ultraviolet - Scott Miller - 07-04-2006

Silly, check.
Inane, check.
Unoriginal, check.
Worth the $1.00 rental fee, check.

I found this almost exactly like Aeon Flux, another poorly received movie that I found myself enjoying despite the warts. If you're not doing anything better, it's worth a peek.

Ultraviolet - Jay #1 - 07-05-2006

a part of me found myself wondering what would happen if Aeon was made like the (almost but not quite porno) Aeon Flux cartoon they had on MTV years ago.

Scott Miller Wrote:Silly, check.

I found this almost exactly like Aeon Flux, another poorly received movie that I found myself enjoying despite the warts. If you're not doing anything better, it's worth a peek.