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Repairman Jack novel, minus the supernatural? - Biggles - 02-02-2006

Scott Hajek Wrote:Before the board and the knowledge of upcoming FPW books/stories, Legacies was a huge surprise that Jack was back. I agree that Jack is Jack with or without the Supernatural elements. But, you need the Otherness to F-up his life. It's been a long and crazy ride and I'm glad I've got my ticket.

The nice thing about Jack is that he can continue to interface with the Otherness in his novels while still handing his other cases (usually in short stories) without conflict.

Repairman Jack novel, minus the supernatural? - KRW - 02-03-2006

tenebroust Wrote:In answer to a post on this thread about where Jack had his first encounter or "push" towards this supernatural element I have the following comments to contribute. It seems to me that it must have been at least since the death of his mother as it seems "forces" are diligently working to make Jack alone, as his family is killed one by one etc... However since much of what follows in these stories is about destiny and cosmic design it must therefore follow that Jack has had a connection with and a role in the "battle" since birth, or conception, and one has to wonder if Jack's mother had a dog? What were the circumstances of his birth? We don't know the answers to any of these questions but it is possible to take a guess. Based on my reading I would have to say Jack had an unusual birth, his childhood had more than a "normal" share of weirdness (possibly encounters with ghosts, paranormal, etc...), the death of his mother was a catalyst, possibly designed and implemented by the "good side" possibly not. I also feel that his mother and father both knew a lot more about all of this stuff than they ever told Jack or let on to anyone that they knew.


I've wondered about Jack's past and how much the Otherness was involved with directing his life. Now you make me curious, how far back does it reach? Clear to WWII? Apparently the Ally did feel the threat of the Otherness reapearing in this world or they wouldn't have needed the twins. We've read how Tom came through Korea over impossible odds before he ever met his wife. I wonder if Toms dad survived also through overwhelming odds during a certain birth of a clone in WWII? Fun to ponder!!!!! Welcome to the board!


Repairman Jack novel, minus the supernatural? - cobalt - 02-04-2006

Tenebroust gives much to wonder. I've often thought that poor Jack was being deprived of family members to toughen him even more. Don't forget that rage that over comes him at times. Sort of like an energy line that he quite can't tap into (yet?)

Repairman Jack novel, minus the supernatural? - Keith the Elder - 02-06-2006

I think that rather than being destined, Jack was selected by the ally.

His first "repair" was helping that guy whose lawn was being trashed by those punks. Then he took care of the guy who killed his mom,. These jobs were essentially delivering a dose of justice that had been previously denied. Jack doesn't take jobs that would bring harm or otherwise negative consequences to the innocent or vulnerable. He sets a fee for his services because, unlike THE BATMAN with the enormous Wayne fortune, this is real life and he has to eat, pay rent, etc.

It was only when Kusum hired Jack to recover Kolabati's necklace that he came to the attention of the ally and the otherness. I believe that the subsequent encounters were, in part, orchestrated by the ally to test his mettle in the event Glaeken fell out of the picture. After all, both R and Glaeken worked alone for centuries, suggesting possibly a cosmic rule where each side can only have one champion in each theater of battle.

I'm quite certain that the KEEP PREQUEL will explain how R and Glaeken were selected.

Repairman Jack novel, minus the supernatural? - jimbow8 - 02-06-2006

Keith the Elder Wrote:I think that rather than being destined, Jack was selected by the ally.

His first "repair" was helping that guy whose lawn was being trashed by those punks. Then he took care of the guy who killed his mom,. These jobs were essentially delivering a dose of justice that had been previously denied. Jack doesn't take jobs that would bring harm or otherwise negative consequences to the innocent or vulnerable. He sets a fee for his services because, unlike THE BATMAN with the enormous Wayne fortune, this is real life and he has to eat, pay rent, etc.

It was only when Kusum hired Jack to recover Kolabati's necklace that he came to the attention of the ally and the otherness. I believe that the subsequent encounters were, in part, orchestrated by the ally to test his mettle in the event Glaeken fell out of the picture. After all, both R and Glaeken worked alone for centuries, suggesting possibly a cosmic rule where each side can only have one champion in each theater of battle.

I'm quite certain that the KEEP PREQUEL will explain how R and Glaeken were selected.
A KEEP PREQUEL ?!?!?! Why! that's an excellent idea, Keith. I wonder why no one else has thought of that...... Wink :p

Repairman Jack novel, minus the supernatural? - Maggers - 02-06-2006

jimbow8 Wrote:A KEEP PREQUEL ?!?!?! Why! that's an excellent idea, Keith. I wonder why no one else has thought of that...... Wink :p

ROFL, Jim! Here's The Man's answer from another thread....

fpw Wrote:You mean a prequel to The Keep? The question's been asked many, many times. My response remains....maybe.

Repairman Jack novel, minus the supernatural? - jimbow8 - 02-06-2006

Maggers Wrote:ROFL, Jim! Here's The Man's answer from another thread....

It's a LONG, LONG, LONG running joke.

Repairman Jack novel, minus the supernatural? - Maggers - 02-06-2006

jimbow8 Wrote:It's a LONG, LONG, LONG running joke.

Yes, I know. But I think FPW's answer went from something like "over my dead body" (well, more like "never) to "maybe," at least in the time since I've been on the board.

Repairman Jack novel, minus the supernatural? - cobalt - 02-06-2006

jimbow8 Wrote:A KEEP PREQUEL ?!?!?! Why! that's an excellent idea, Keith. I wonder why no one else has thought of that...... Wink :p

What a marvelous idea!!!!! I've read FPW response to this, and somehow I don't think he wants to. But I hope we will discover some more eagerly awaited info when/if Glaeken and Jack talk and pass the batton!

Repairman Jack novel, minus the supernatural? - Towka - 03-02-2006

First thing I'd like to add is that even "legacies" has it's supernatural dose - the wireless energy transfer thing, which is referred to in "conspiracies" (and that energy thing nearly kept me from reading any other fpw book).

Second thing - if Jack is really somehow "groomed" - is the death of his mother already supernaturally influenced? And (by judging it's effect) influenced by the ally - which would really distort things a little bit more

Third thing is - Tenebroust, do you expect anyone really to read through this giant paragraph (as my english teacher would call it)? It really seems to miss structuring elements (in a more graphic sense) - although i DID read it (and I think Jack has had a "normal" childhood - what you emphasize makes me remember "Constantine" - the movie).

Fourth thing - sorry for bringing up this dusty thread again. Hopefully, it'll rest from now on peacefully.
