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How much do you watch? - Keith the Elder - 11-15-2005

Have a few must see's: Daily Show, Colbert Report, Battlestar Galactica (when in season), Cold Case & Criminal Intent.

A few we catch if we can: 2.5 Men; My Name is Earl

Other than that, HGTV, History Channel, Netflix

How much do you watch? - mike36799 - 11-15-2005

I go in phases. When I'm off I watch my usual shows. Dirty Jobs, Lost, Apprentice: Donald Trump, and sometimes Survivor. With Tivo I will fast forward through a lot of survivor. I spend majority of my time though on the computer if that counts.

How much do you watch? - willowz - 11-15-2005

I have not watched a single ep of most of the newer shows on the tellie, i watch mosstly the history channel , discovery, etc, and of course the sifi channel, i gotta watch my scifi, i still mannage to watch way to much tv. Rolleyes hahahahah

How much do you watch? - KRW - 11-15-2005

I haven't even caught a Nascar race this year. What's wrong with me?
Usually I let my wife and kids watch what they want. When I get controll is usually in the middle of the night and I can't sleep, I'll watch my monster/horrer/comedy/action movies. I can't stand commercials, so regular tv doesn't have much of an appeal to me. But if they brought back the Dukes....................... Wink


How much do you watch? - willowz - 11-15-2005

I hate them also, but i hate stupid radio commercials even more than the tv ones there is a local car dealer who puts out the most attrocious versions of songs that are popular, think weird all devoid of all humor and on acid..... they are so bad, and they are played constantly by every radio station that is here in the city,. UGGGGGHHHHHHHH

How much do you watch? - Maggers - 11-16-2005

Keith the Elder Wrote:Have a few must see's: Daily Show, Colbert Report, Battlestar Galactica (when in season), Cold Case & Criminal Intent.

A few we catch if we can: 2.5 Men; My Name is Earl

Other than that, HGTV, History Channel, Netflix

Thanks for the reminder, Keith. Gotta amend my list to include "Two and a Half Men," which I seldom miss, and "The Daily Show," which I really enjoy but about which I'm not so religious.

How much do you watch? - Ken Valentine - 11-16-2005


Eight hours and eleven minutes a day?!

Somebody must be watching more than that if you include me in the statistics. I haven't watched any television at all -- Zero, Zip, Zilch, Nit, Nil, Nada, Nuttin', Swabbo, Ixnay -- since June of 1987.

(I'll rent a video or DVD once or twice a month, however.)

Ken V.

How much do you watch? - Kenji - 11-16-2005

Susan Wrote:How much do you watch?

TV programs only.(Not include DVD or rental videos)

From Monday to Friday; 2 hours or 3 hours.
Saturday; 2 hours(If this day is rain and I have no plan, maybe it's 7 hours)
Sunday; 3 hours(If this day is rain and I have no plan, maybe it's 7 hours)

After I got cable channels, I have a lot of fave programs. The Simpsons, Alfred Hitchcock Presents, Melrose Place, Lost, Everybody loves Raymond, Nip/Tuck, Point Pleasant......oh, I need a lot of time! :eek:

How much do you watch? - Sam - 11-16-2005

Hate to admit this but I am a slave to the chattering cyclops. On workdays I watch about 3-4 hours a day but on my days off it's almost every chance I get. I have too many shows that I like and not enough hobbies. And when there's nothing on worth watching I pop in a movie.

BTW Kenji, I've been recording the episodes of Supernatural. If the season ends before you get it in Japan, would you like me to send you a copy?

How much do you watch? - KRW - 11-17-2005

Sam Wrote:Hate to admit this but I am a slave to the chattering cyclops. On workdays I watch about 3-4 hours a day but on my days off it's almost every chance I get. I have too many shows that I like and not enough hobbies. And when there's nothing on worth watching I pop in a movie.

BTW Kenji, I've been recording the episodes of Supernatural. If the season ends before you get it in Japan, would you like me to send you a copy?

You think I might be available for that offer? I keep forgeting it's on.