Things I Wish Were Different (TIWWD) - Printable Version

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Things I Wish Were Different (TIWWD) - Bluesman Mike Lindner - 10-10-2005

Ossicle Wrote:I guess you're right... I've said twice now the reason this bugs me a bit, but possibly I'm just wrong. Maybe if our hero is up against an enemy with near-godly powers then it's just gonna _have_ to be the enemy's foolishness that saves the hero, at least in part. I would still like to somehow see Jack fake R. out, like he does the objects of his fixes.

Foolishness plays no part here, Ossicle. Have you read NIGHTWORLD?

Things I Wish Were Different (TIWWD) - KRW - 10-10-2005

Bluesman Mike Lindner Wrote:The ladies are with the Ally. I'll see your transparent bluff...and raise. They call me Little Mike the Bluesman, 'cause I paid all kind of dues...but KRW, get wise...when it comes to poker, man, the sadjacks will testify I rarely lose. Wink

Stick to your penny-anti games Mike. We're tralking big stakes with an ace in the hole! Carefull buddy. The words to back me are in the books.
But I'll go easy on ya because I see your low on chips and I know you need to pick up milk on your way home. I'll call. Proove it. Cool


Things I Wish Were Different (TIWWD) - Ossicle - 10-11-2005

Bluesman Mike Lindner Wrote:Foolishness plays no part here, Ossicle. Have you read NIGHTWORLD?

I have read Nightworld, though I don't understand how it applies here.

However, you have made me return to my use of the word "foolishness" and I agree that it's the wrong word. Basically I meant that it's an error for R. not to kill Jack. Not all errors are foolish, and perhaps this is one of those cases.

However, as I tried to indicate in my previous post, everyone's replies _have_ made me rethink my initial objection. It seems like two factors are making R. keep Jack alive: R.'s arrogance and the yummy psychic misery R. intends to draw from Jack in the days to come. I guess that explains why Jack is still alive, and it now strikes me as more than adequate. Maybe it will even prove to be terrific and far better than anything that would have resulted from the kind of take I advocated in earlier posts. I haven't read Infernal yet, and there are more books to come... (Hooray!)

Things I Wish Were Different (TIWWD) - Bluesman Mike Lindner - 10-15-2005

[QUOTE=KRW]Stick to your penny-anti games Mike. We're tralking big stakes with an ace in the hole! Carefull buddy. The words to back me are in the books.
But I'll go easy on ya because I see your low on chips and I know you need to pick up milk on your way home. I'll call. Proove it. Cool

You know, thinking about it, you might be right. Time (as it has a nasty habit of doing) will tell. Cool BTW, the chips in front of me might be few in number, but they're all of the 10-large breed. I understand if you've never seen that variety before. :p

Things I Wish Were Different (TIWWD) - KRW - 10-15-2005

Bluesman Mike Lindner Wrote:[QUOTE=KRW]Stick to your penny-anti games Mike. We're tralking big stakes with an ace in the hole! Carefull buddy. The words to back me are in the books.
But I'll go easy on ya because I see your low on chips and I know you need to pick up milk on your way home. I'll call. Proove it. Cool

You know, thinking about it, you might be right. Time (as it has a nasty habit of doing) will tell. Cool BTW, the chips in front of me might be few in number, but they're all of the 10-large breed. I understand if you've never seen that variety before. :p

Your eyesight's as bad as your memory. Those are one's in front of you! Big Grin


Things I Wish Were Different (TIWWD) - Bluesman Mike Lindner - 10-17-2005

KRW Wrote:[QUOTE=Bluesman Mike Lindner]

Your eyesight's as bad as your memory. Those are one's in front of you! Big Grin


Blast my soul, you're right! I got up to go to the fridge for a cold brew and look what happens!

Things I Wish Were Different (TIWWD) - KRW - 10-17-2005

Bluesman Mike Lindner Wrote:[QUOTE=KRW]

Blast my soul, you're right! I got up to go to the fridge for a cold brew and look what happens!

That's what happens when you make a beer run and don't bring back enough for everyone. Lessons learned hard are the ones learned best, just ask me, I'll tell ya. Wink