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Actor For Jack - Biggles - 03-08-2004

jimbow8 Wrote:I think you guys are putting way too much emphasis on physical attributes. Hair and eye color can be changed, as can physique by working out. Height doesn't really matter that much in my opinion unless you are going to have him stand next to a ruler. Hugh Jackman is 6'2" in real life and the comic character of Wolverine is only about 5'4" and that didn't ruin the movie.

OK Jim! Well excuuuuse me if I'm getting too specific here. :-) I don't honestly see Edward Norton as Jack. He's played too many nut cases, and I don't want Jack to come across as a "gun nut", especially being one myself. Burns I could handle as far as appearance. I'm sure he could carry it off.

Actor For Jack - Susan - 03-08-2004

Biggles Wrote:I will agree that Edward Burns looks ordinary, as the Jack character must. In Gateways, the math tells us that Jack is 36, ergo the Jack character in the movie must be about 34-35. If RJ is to be a franchise, we realistically should have an actor about 30, who can play the role until he's 40, assuming that the movies would be at least 2 years apart. Burns seems to have the correct hair and eye color (?), but is his physique correct? Let's face it Susan; you want Edward Burns to play Jack for the same reason the younger girls would want Orlando Bloom; and I want Charlize to play Gia. Or am I wrong?

While I admit that Ed Burns makes my temperature rise, that's not the only reason I think he'd be the perfect Jack. So once and for all, here are the reasons:

  1. He's attractive, but not a pretty boy.
  2. He's very male, but not overtly macho.
  3. He's from Joisey and has the accent to match.
  4. He's a terrific actor.
  5. He's the right age-36. (Vicky is going to be a teenager in the movie, so he can't be much younger than that. As far as the aging in a franchise, men age well so I wouldn't worry about it)
Okay, I feel better now.


PS: Orlando Bloom isn't just for the younger girls Wink

Actor For Jack - Biggles - 03-08-2004

Points all well taken, your majesty.

Actor For Jack - Biggles - 03-10-2004


Is the rumor that Viggo Mortensen signed to play Jack true? If so, my daughter is going to go crazy.

Actor For Jack - Lisa - 03-10-2004

Biggles Wrote:Is the rumor that Viggo Mortensen signed to play Jack true?

No, but it's true that Viggo has signed on to be by next husband. We're going to live in a duplex with Susan and Legolas.


Actor For Jack - jimbow8 - 03-10-2004

Simon will be so upset.

Actor For Jack - Susan - 03-10-2004

Lisa Wrote:No, but it's true that Viggo has signed on to be by next husband. We're going to live in a duplex with Susan and Legolas.



Susanita (wondering if Berlitz can teach me to speak Elfan)

Actor For Jack - Lisa - 03-10-2004

jimbow8 Wrote:Simon will be so upset.

Simon is willing to wait for the perfection that is Lisa Krause!


Actor For Jack - Biggles - 03-10-2004

Lisa Wrote:No, but it's true that Viggo has signed on to be by next husband. We're going to live in a duplex with Susan and Legolas.


Then you had better have a spare bedroom for my daughter to move in with all of you.

Actor For Jack - BK Akitas - 03-12-2004

He's got a very young face, and an ability to just melt into different character modes- a must for anyone trying to be Jack. He's also got the physical ability to play the role. You look at him and you underestimate him from minute one- this guy can do some damage if he wants.
That's Jack.
I can even look past the hair-n-eyes thing for Cusack.

If we can't have Viggo or Hugh,then my vote is for John.