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Batman Begins - jimbow8 - 06-17-2005

AsMoral Wrote:I have this series, when I purchased it I had no clue that it contained a forward by a certain favorite author of mine.
Really? Who? Rolleyes

Batman Begins - Kenji - 06-17-2005

Interview with Cristian Bale

Interview with Gary Oldman

Interview with Michael Caine

Interview with Katie Holms

Batman Begins - Tony H - 06-17-2005

jimbow8 Wrote:Really? Who? Rolleyes

R. L. Stine

Batman Begins - Scott Hajek - 06-17-2005

AsMoral Wrote:R. L. Stine

One of the greatest living authors.

Batman Begins - dejo - 06-17-2005

I saw the movie yesterday afternoon and it was freakin' awesome!. I'll try not to give away anything but let me just say that the narrative was, to me, not simple to follow in certain parts, which is not a bad thing. This is not your typical thinly-plotted/bubblegum action movie. You may want to pay attention. The score wasn't nearly as good as Danny Elfman's "most excellent" score for the '89 Batman but it did the job. I will definitely go see this movie again!

Batman Begins - lovecraft68 - 06-17-2005

hey guys and gals first off i want to say thank you for the welcoming responces i got after my first post! now onto buisness. i am a comic book store owner so of course this movie is huge for me! let me say that they got it right this time! very dark great atmosphere the villians were not hammy overactors very well done! my only gripe is that Bats suit still looks like a suit of inflexable armor but much better than previous efforts! i know the first Burton movie is reputed to be the only good one and i will probably tick some people off with this but the first Batman stunk to. Keaton was a great sociopath looking wayne but Jack was way to hammy as Joker no sinister side at all. Anyway for all you batman fans out there in Repairman Jack world if your into Batman comics and figures give me a yell if there is something you need and maybe i have it(sorry shameless plug) by the way this Demonseed story is it a short novel or a short story in a compilation? thanks til next time Lovecraft68

Batman Begins - jimbow8 - 06-17-2005

lovecraft68 Wrote:hey guys and gals first off i want to say thank you for the welcoming responces i got after my first post! now onto buisness. i am a comic book store owner so of course this movie is huge for me! let me say that they got it right this time! very dark great atmosphere the villians were not hammy overactors very well done! my only gripe is that Bats suit still looks like a suit of inflexable armor but much better than previous efforts! i know the first Burton movie is reputed to be the only good one and i will probably tick some people off with this but the first Batman stunk to. Keaton was a great sociopath looking wayne but Jack was way to hammy as Joker no sinister side at all. Anyway for all you batman fans out there in Repairman Jack world if your into Batman comics and figures give me a yell if there is something you need and maybe i have it(sorry shameless plug) by the way this Demonseed story is it a short novel or a short story in a compilation? thanks til next time Lovecraft68
Don't know if I welcomed you before, so ...welcome.

Curious if you have ever seen the fan trailer/short for Grayson. I think the Joker in that is good. There was also a Batman short with the Predators and Aliens that had a psycho Joker in it.

Batman Begins - Scott Hajek - 06-17-2005

lovecraft68 Wrote:hey guys and gals first off i want to say thank you for the welcoming responces i got after my first post! now onto buisness. i am a comic book store owner so of course this movie is huge for me! let me say that they got it right this time! very dark great atmosphere the villians were not hammy overactors very well done! my only gripe is that Bats suit still looks like a suit of inflexable armor but much better than previous efforts! i know the first Burton movie is reputed to be the only good one and i will probably tick some people off with this but the first Batman stunk to. Keaton was a great sociopath looking wayne but Jack was way to hammy as Joker no sinister side at all. Anyway for all you batman fans out there in Repairman Jack world if your into Batman comics and figures give me a yell if there is something you need and maybe i have it(sorry shameless plug) by the way this Demonseed story is it a short novel or a short story in a compilation? thanks til next time Lovecraft68

The first Burton Batman was good in that it wasn't what everyone was used to. It was dark, unexpected and over-the-top in a unique way. Only Tim Burton could make Michael Keaton convincing as a serious superhero, and only Tim Burton could make something familiar be twisted at the same time.

But, he failed somewhat with Batman Returns. It wasn't a horrible movie, but there were flaws and plot holes big enough to drive the Batmobile through. Both Burton and Keaton were wise to stop there. The studios should have been wise to stop there as well. Joel Schumacher kept the downward trend going with both of his movies.

So, thank goodness, that someone with a fresh vision and an aversion to nipples on the Batsuit was tagged with making this one. With each new posting, I'm more excited about seeing this one.

And, since I didn't say it before, welcome to the board. You'll have to keep us up to date on "must-read" comics. Besides this one called "The Keep."

Batman Begins - thisisatest - 06-17-2005

Steve D
See! Hollywood had the potential to make a real Batman movie after all. The villains were truly villainous and the Batman was truly heroic. The comedy was played down and confined to character, not clowns (they said funny things; they didn't act goofy--like Jim Carrey over-did).

The only minus was Katie Holmes. You could remove her character from the movie, and the movie would not change one iota: that's how inconsequential she was.

Anything else I can say at this point would border on spoilers, so I'll wait till we've all seen it before we start the real discussion.

And how about that ending? Big Grin

Batman Begins - Mick C. - 06-17-2005

I just got back from seeing it...EXCELLENT movie, and I've been a Batman fan for 40-odd years. Bale is excellent, great stunts, good casting (I agree, Holmes was a little weak and looked too young, a minor quibble). Caine and Oldman inhabited their characters well, without feeling a need to do a "star turn". Nice fight scenes, everyone piles on the Batman at once (unlike the typical kungfu flick technique of attacking one at a time.) Gotham looks fantastic, like a real city and less like an German expressionist movie set.

I'll avoid any spoilers, except to say the twist caught me totally by surprise and left me kicking myself that I didn't see it coming.

Great ending!