Tying up the series... - Printable Version

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Tying up the series... - Ken Valentine - 12-01-2010

The_Texan Wrote:I stand corrected. I can't personally confirm the issue of her seducing him because I gave away my copy of THE TOMB to get a friend hooked on RJ. But I'll take your word on it. I vaguely recall it now and will re-read it once I buy it again.
You're gonna love it!


I won't let my original copies out of my hands, so I buy extra copies to give to friends.

SPOILER! Highlight to view:

Kusum had taken a vow of lifelong sexual abstinance (Brachmacharia.) Kolabati seduced him from that vow and they had an incestuous relationship for who-knows-how long. This horribly polluted the Karma of both Kusum and Kolabati. Kusum decided to purify his Karma by fulfilling his mothers vow/curse of the Westphalen line ending in "blood and pain."

So, you could well say that Kolabati set the stage for Kusum's revenge against the Westphalen heirs and started the ball rolling.

Ken V.