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Actor For Jack - remylass - 06-18-2004

Bale from American Psycho just happens to be my avatar. I think he would be a great Jack because he can actually act and handle action. I love Christian Bale, but he can't be Jack.

First of all, he is doing Batman, and so I doubt he would sign on to be Jack. Secondly, he has a very distinctive way of speaking. Granted, he is great with accents, but his unique mouth doesn't make him blend in well. That is one of the things I find so attractive about him.

However, if they picked Bale to be Jack, I would be pleased. I don't think he is a total fit, but I think he would be great.

Actor For Jack - Bluesman Mike Lindner - 06-18-2004

Doc Wrote:Time for a n00b to chime in, hi Y'all ~waves~

Just got though reading Haunted Air last night and as I'm prone to do I put an actors voice to the main character, for Jack it was Hugh Jackmans.

Welcome, Doc (I'll never play poker with you, though.) Stick with us and you'll find yourself pondering strange questions. Like, will Tom Jr. prove to be carved from the same hard wood as his brother, sister, and dad? Will Gina and Gerry be happy together? And most poignant: will Ignatz find enough to eat on Neeka? Hang around. You'll come up with a few of your own.

Actor For Jack - stacyzinda123 - 06-18-2004

Biggles Wrote:I want Charlize to play Gia. Or am I wrong?

I think Charlize Theron would make the perfect Gia. Do you think she's too popular though? She can't steal the show...

Actor For Jack - Ken Valentine - 06-18-2004

stacyzinda123 Wrote:I think Charlize Theron would make the perfect Gia. Do you think she's too popular though? She can't steal the show...

If I remember correctly, she has been one of the favorites on this board for the part of Gia.

Ken V.

Actor For Jack - Annice Burdeos - 06-18-2004

jimbow8 Wrote:I can actually picture exactly what he looked like in American Psycho, and I only saw the movie once. Three piece suit, slicked back hair, superior look on his face. Though I couldn't tell you what he looked like in Reign of Fire, and I've seen that movie numerous times.

Your description of Bale was accurate enough but WHO WAS HE. He could be just about anybody, now couldn't he ?

Actor For Jack - Susan - 06-18-2004

Scott Hajek Wrote:Has Michael Vartan from ALIAS been considered?

For shame, Scotty!

His hawk-like nose would be too distinct a physical characteristic for Repairman Jack. I'm afraid this suggestion is going to cost you. You must overnight $20 to me immediately.

Your loving friend,

Actor For Jack - jimbow8 - 06-18-2004

Susan Wrote:For shame, Scotty!

His hawk-like nose would be too distinct a physical characteristic for Repairman Jack. I'm afraid this suggestion is going to cost you. You must overnight $20 to me immediately.

Your loving friend,
Damn! That'll teach us not to put forth unsatisfactory suggestions. :confused:

Actor For Jack - Susan - 06-18-2004

ejlain Wrote:How about David Morse?
- Ed

Ed, don't make me have to bitch slap you. David is too old and too tall and his head is too small for his body! Not a criticism, just an observation. He is a good actor, though, but I'm not sure he could carry the lead in a big action movie.

nijimeijer Wrote:What about James Marsden? Another X-Men alumni. Not quite a "star", but not entirely an "unknown" either.
He looks fairly average.

Average? Maybe if you live in LA. I think he's too much of a pretty boy unlike Ed Burns. His eyes are too blue and his smile is too disarming. He is kinda hot, though. Meow.

Bastard Wrote:Personally I'd lean toward James Caviezel


You bastard! (Sorry, I couldn't resist)

Jesus Christ as Repairman Jack. Oh man, you know someone's going to hell for that! Choose Ed Burns and save yourself from eternal hellfire.

Joe Konrath Wrote:Not to catch hell by suggesting this, but what about Will Smith as Jack? Is race a problem?


Yes and no. I think that part of Jack's charm is that he is a "generic pale male". I LOVE Will Smith, though. I guess if I didn't feel so strongly about who should play Jack Ed Burns then I wouldn't hesitate to nominate Will. But I've thought about this a long, long time and I have my mind made up Ed Burns.

No, I'm not going to tell you who it is Ed Burns you'll just have to guess!


Actor For Jack - jimbow8 - 06-18-2004

I'm not sure where Susan is going with this, but I want to state right now that I think Edward Burns would be perfect for the role. I just had to get that out there before someone else tried to take credit for the idea.

Jim (who doesn't want to have to send Susan $20)

Actor For Jack - Susan - 06-18-2004

jimbow8 Wrote:I'm not sure where Susan is going with this, but I want to state right now that I think Edward Burns would be perfect for the role. I just had to get that out there before someone else tried to take credit for the idea.

Jim (who doesn't want to have to send Susan $20)

Did I ever tell you you're my favorite?

Love always,
