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A Day in the Life - maxplay - 04-06-2005

Read A Day in the Life during my breaks and lunch at work today. Really, really enjoyed it. It was like a one hour episode of a Repairman Jack TV series! Also enjoyed The Barrens yesterday (had to finish it after work, the story was a little longer). Now I guess I'll go back to the beginning and start on The Monroe Triptych... Big Grin

A Day in the Life - Tony H - 04-06-2005

I absolutely loved this story. Comparing it to a one hour episode of a RJ TV show is perfect. It still packed quite a whallop though ven for it's small size. I read that story in between Jack novels and found it only whetted my appetite for the next installment.


A Day in the Life - Scott Miller - 04-07-2005

maxplay Wrote:Read A Day in the Life during my breaks and lunch at work today. Really, really enjoyed it. It was like a one hour episode of a Repairman Jack TV series! Also enjoyed The Barrens yesterday (had to finish it after work, the story was a little longer). Now I guess I'll go back to the beginning and start on The Monroe Triptych... Big Grin

Couldn't agree more. Barrens is great reading. "Pelts" is damn bloody good. And you get all those cool intros.

Minor ADITL spoiler lurks ahead.

I think the meat tenderizer scene is the most brutal thing Jack has ever done. I do shoulder-hunching cringe just thinking about it.

A Day in the Life - Kenji - 04-07-2005

A day in the life....I love it! This Japanese title is "人生の一日(Jinsei no Ichi-nichi)". I read it in "Stalkers". At the opening scene, he threw shuriken to cockroach, that was excellent and funny.

"Repairman Jack show" is good idea. If the movie version got success(Of course, it must be success), maybe they'll make TV series. HBO...? Hmm.....I wish 20th Century Fox. Big Grin

A Day in the Life - Mick C. - 04-08-2005

I love the Repairman Jack short stories. I just read "The Long Way Home" a little while ago, I wish there were enough to anthologize...

A Day in the Life - Biggles - 04-08-2005

Mick C. Wrote:I love the Repairman Jack short stories. I just read "The Long Way Home" a little while ago, I wish there were enough to anthologize...

Maybe there are! The Beige Book was smaller than your typical anthology. I think there would be a market for a small printing of the RJ short stories. If released in paperback, they might introduce RJ to a whole new group of fans. If released in a limited edition, they would sell out quickly.

Speaking of anthologies: When might all of the LaNague short stories be released together? I think it would be great for them to be compiled in chronological (not time of publication) order, with intros and seques by FPW, into a collection. Like the LaNague Chronicles, which combined the longer works, it would benefit from an Introduction that set forth the entire chronology. I suppose all you would need would be Dydeetown World, The Tery, and The LaNague Chronicles, combined with the collection of shorts, to get the full story. Another Prometheus Award would be a slam dunk. Smile

A Day in the Life - XiaoYu - 04-08-2005

This was my fav short story of Jack's...but I wanna read all the others that've been scattered throughout all those publications. If a collection of just Jack short stories was out there I'd definitely get it!

And Jack would totally own every other tv series out there if he had his own show Big Grin

A Day in the Life - Biggles - 04-08-2005

XiaoYu Wrote:This was my fav short story of Jack's...but I wanna read all the others that've been scattered throughout all those publications. If a collection of just Jack short stories was out there I'd definitely get it!

And Jack would totally own every other tv series out there if he had his own show Big Grin

Absolutely! I'm very frustrated that so few people know Jack (literally and figuratively). I don't know if we need more aggressive marketing or what, but Paul's books and characters are far and away the best out there. Stephen King gets movies and series made from HIS books, and Dean Koontz gets some play from his as well, so why not Paul? :mad:

A Day in the Life - jimbow8 - 04-08-2005

Biggles Wrote:Absolutely! I'm very frustrated that so few people know Jack (literally and figuratively). I don't know if we need more aggressive marketing or what, but Paul's books and characters are far and away the best out there. Stephen King gets movies and series made from HIS books, and Dean Koontz gets some play from his as well, so why not Paul? :mad:
MOST of King's movie adaptations are not very good (until recently), so be careful or you might get what you wish for. :p

A Day in the Life - Scott Hajek - 04-08-2005

XiaoYu Wrote:And Jack would totally own every other tv series out there if he had his own show Big Grin

This would be true if FPW had complete creative control. I'd rather see a few selective movies made well rather than a series that would get old too fast and screw up the greatness of the character.