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Predators - Sigokat - 08-30-2011

Anyone else see the new (2010) Predators?

I was quite disappointed with it. I mean for a mindless action flick it was okay, but it ripped off too much stuff straight from the original. Lines directly from the original and then the scene with the Yakuza was a straight rip-off of the Indian on the log bridge scene from the original, even down to using the exact same music.

It just seemed...lazy.

Any other opinions?

Predators - Alvin Fox - 08-30-2011

I don't remember a whole lot about it, just that every time I saw Adrien Brody I kept thinking he was portraying Bear Grylls. I haven't bothered to try to see it a second time. I'd rather just watch the first Predator again.

Now that I think of it, I believe I have a copy of the original Predators script on my hard drive. Just checked. No, I must have deleted it. But it had Dutch in it.

Predators - cobalt - 08-30-2011

Is that the one where they're dropped on an alien world?

Predators - Sigokat - 08-30-2011

Yes it is.

Predators - cobalt - 08-30-2011

So it is the one I'm thinking of. We got it from Netflix a couple of weeks ago. I was surprised to see Samuel L in it as well. It was alright but I did think it could have been alot better. Maybe this one's "rip-off" of the original was a way of paying homage to it?

Predators - The Mad American - 08-30-2011

Yeah, lazy is a good description I think. There were so many holes in the plot/story line but I was willing to forgive most of that just because it was a bunch of people on the Predators hunting preserve. How freaking cool it could have been. Instead, every character was an extreme stereotype of certain action characters. And the predators were morons and didn't fit the mythos of the predators as has been established in the past.

This was one of those disappointing movies made worse for me because it could have been so good.

Haha on the Bear Grylls/ Adrien Brody comparison. Very fitting considering Grylls is a complete idiot and a fraud.

Predators - Sigokat - 08-30-2011

cobalt Wrote:So it is the one I'm thinking of. We got it from Netflix a couple of weeks ago. I was surprised to see Samuel L in it as well. It was alright but I did think it could have been alot better. Maybe this one's "rip-off" of the original was a way of paying homage to it?

It was Laurence Fisburne, not Samuel L. Jackson.

And I don't think it was paying homage to the original, it didn't have that feel at all. It felt like a rip-off and the filmmakers being lazy.

Predators - Sigokat - 08-30-2011

The Mad American Wrote:Haha on the Bear Grylls/ Adrien Brody comparison. Very fitting considering Grylls is a complete idiot and a fraud.

I heard Bear was a fraud before. I don't know much about the guy, just that he's supposedly some survivalist or something.

Predators - The Mad American - 08-30-2011

sigokat Wrote:I heard Bear was a fraud before. I don't know much about the guy, just that he's supposedly some survivalist or something.

He was British Special Forces, I guess. The outdoor survival skills that he teaches will get more people killed than not and most of the supposed situations on his show are fake, manipulated or flat out faked by the producers to show how cool he is, not the reality of surviving outdoors in the back country.

Predators - cobalt - 08-30-2011

sigokat Wrote:It was Laurence Fisburne, not Samuel L. Jackson.'re right.

Quote:And I don't think it was paying homage to the original, it didn't have that feel at all. It felt like a rip-off and the filmmakers being lazy.
Could be. Maybe they thought we wouldn't notice? lol