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Early Days of FPW Fandom - Tony H - 07-28-2011

Back in 1996, prior to the creation of fans would visit a site put together by Kade Cole.

Compared to today's website there isn't much but at the time it was the first and only site dedicated and endorsed by Paul.

For grins and giggles you should click on the "Chat Transcript" link and see one of the first chat sessions Paul participated in. There is nothing that you haven't read before, but for many folks, the chat session was the first time they were able to interact with FPW.

This was 15 years ago, I remember watching the chatroom on AOL thinking it was the neatest thing in the world. I was too terrified to participate and it would be another 2 years before I spoke my first words to Lisa, Marc, Susan and many others including FPW.

The links to the sections are on the bottom of the main page. Enjoy this piece of FPW history.

Early Days of FPW Fandom - Lisa - 07-28-2011

We also had a mailing list I started in 1993 (before the web, obviously). It was called "WilWin" because it was a combo F. Paul Wilson/David Wingrove fan list. No, those authors have absolutely nothing in common, I just happened to admire them both at the time. I believe that Marc and Aphew were both on that list. F. Paul Wilson discovered it one time and I almost died from fangirlitis when he asked to see the archives. Hard to believe that was almost 20 years ago now!

Early Days of FPW Fandom - Tony H - 07-28-2011

I missed the boat on that mailing list somehow...mostly because I had an aversion to mailing lists. Back then, it seemed EVERY mailing list I joined devolved into the owners spamming me with jokes and chain letters every chance they got.

LOL@ WilWin!!!!!

Early Days of FPW Fandom - Lisa - 07-28-2011

Yeah, I know... what can I say, I was 20 years old. :p

Early Days of FPW Fandom - Libby - 07-28-2011

Thanks Tony! That was really cool. But Marc's was the only name I recognized. Who were the other people? And did the start of the Nora Roberts thing happen in a similar chat room?

Early Days of FPW Fandom - Tony H - 07-28-2011

It's been so long I don;t remember if any of those names exist on this forum or not. I can't tell you who was there just watching because the transcript doesn't list the names of the people in the chatroom, just those who were asking questions.

Early Days of FPW Fandom - Marc - 07-28-2011

This thing just won't go away. Jesus... what year was this? I think I was 13 or 14.

Early Days of FPW Fandom - Alvin Fox - 07-28-2011

DelJ : Were you happy/satisfied with the film adaptation of "The Keep"?


Early Days of FPW Fandom - Lisa - 07-28-2011

MBuhmann : Man... what a great guy he is

Early Days of FPW Fandom - Tony H - 07-28-2011

Lisa Wrote:MBuhmann : Man... what a great guy he is

Marc used to be Yoda when he was 14.