THE WATCHMEN Trailer - Printable Version

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THE WATCHMEN Trailer - Mick C. - 07-17-2008

Looks pretty wicked:

THE WATCHMEN Trailer - Marc - 07-17-2008

It had me until it said "From the Director of '300'". Ugh... what a terrible movie that was.

THE WATCHMEN Trailer - Mick C. - 07-17-2008

And, of course, I put a typo in my thread title - it's "Watchmen", not "The Watchmen".

THE WATCHMEN Trailer - thisisatest - 07-18-2008

Steve D

Entertainment Weekly July 25, 2008 edition has the Watchmen on the cover and a synopsis article within. Virtually unknown cast (except for the father from the tv show Supernatural as The Comedian). Can you believe I've been waiting over twenty years for this movie? Hope the "300" director doesn't do a "300" on it. The trailer is a bit psychodelic for my blood (although I do recognize all the scenes from the comic books).

The pirate sub-plot from the Watchmen series is being filmed separately and will be an extra on the dvd set.

At least the wait is over. Good or bad, here it comes: March 2009. Pending a noocler attack, I'll be first in line to see the midnight show.

THE WATCHMEN Trailer - GeraldRice - 07-18-2008

Marc B. Wrote:It had me until it said "From the Director of '300'". Ugh... what a terrible movie that was.

I'm really amazed you didn't like '300', Marc. Did you like the graphic novel it was based on? He pretty much matched it shot-for-shot. I remember you didn't dig the British accent thing, but for whatever reason the British accent is the stamp of officialdom when it comes to those kinds of movies. Did you dislike 'Gladiator'? 'Dawn of the Dead'?

THE WATCHMEN Trailer - bones weep tedium - 07-18-2008

I think that any film with sufficient cash behind it can look like any comic it wishes . . . but the glory of Watchmen is not in the visual aspects. The artwork is deliberately plain - to emphasise the writing.

The trailer looks plenty swish, and they seem to be checking off key scenes from the comic with decent accuracy. But I am adamantly trying to stave off forming any expectations --- this movie would be too easy to fall flat if the screenplay is a lacklustre imitation of Alan Moore's epic, intricate, spectacular original.

THE WATCHMEN Trailer - Marc - 07-18-2008

GeraldRice Wrote:I'm really amazed you didn't like '300', Marc. Did you like the graphic novel it was based on? He pretty much matched it shot-for-shot. I remember you didn't dig the British accent thing, but for whatever reason the British accent is the stamp of officialdom when it comes to those kinds of movies. Did you dislike 'Gladiator'? 'Dawn of the Dead'?

Visually it was good. But remember when we had all those CGI heavy movies back in the 90's that focused on the effects and not enough on the story? That's how "300" was for me. It was pretty to look at but as far as the story went there wasn't one. It was constant screaming and fighting. That's it. There wasn't anything there to hold my interest after the first twenty minutes. (In regards to the accents it annoyed me but I looked past it. Any "historical" movie that takes place prior to 1850 seem to have the prerequisite to have British accents.)

As for the graphic novel I've never actually read it. And I hated "Gladiator" though I did like the remake of "Dawn of the Dead" which is the one I assume you're talking about.

THE WATCHMEN Trailer - bones weep tedium - 07-18-2008

Marc B. Wrote:(In regards to the accents it annoyed me but I looked past it. Any "historical" movie that takes place prior to 1850 seem to have the prerequisite to have British accents.)

How would 300 be best improved, do you think? For the actors to speak actual Ancient Greek with subtitles, or speak English with a Greek accent rather than a British one?

Did you see Apocalypto yet?

"You can say what you like about Mel Gibson, but the sonuvabitch sure knows story structure!"

Really good film, exciting story and a very authentic language throughout.

THE WATCHMEN Trailer - Marc - 07-18-2008

bones weep tedium Wrote:How would 300 be best improved, do you think? For the actors to speak actual Ancient Greek with subtitles, or speak English with a Greek accent rather than a British one?

As I said, the accents annoyed me but didn't make or break the film for me. I ca put up with accents.

Quote:Did you see Apocalypto yet?

I did. A hell of a lot better than The Passion of the Christ. You want the ultimate "torture porn" movie? This is it.

THE WATCHMEN Trailer - bones weep tedium - 07-18-2008

Marc B. Wrote:I did. A hell of a lot better than <i>The Passion of the Christ</i>. You want the ultimate "torture porn" movie? This is it.

Quite right, it even fits into the Torture Porn Golden Ratio: 1 part interesting for every 100 parts boring. Rolleyes