LOST! Was that a trip or what? - Printable Version

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LOST! Was that a trip or what? - Medusa - 02-09-2006

I didn't see THAT coming! That was one wild episode.

But I still don't like Anna and Sawyer is still hot!

LOST! Was that a trip or what? - Marc - 02-09-2006

This episode was definitely much better than the big stinking heap of shit that was considered an episode two weeks ago.

LOST! Was that a trip or what? - mike36799 - 02-12-2006

Looks like were finally getting somewhere with this show. I love it to death, but really you cannot say that a lot has happened thus far. My friend claims he stopped watching because nothing really happens, and is explained.

Me personally, I'm hooked, and am happy with things. What a killer episode, a lot will probrably happen next week!

LOST! Was that a trip or what? - neotank - 02-12-2006

I thought it was really cool. The only thing that seemed a little fake to me was Locke believing Sawyer about the guns. I didn't think he would be that stupid to believe Sawyer after all the BS he's pulled.

I love the way Sawyer played the ladies though, that was funny.

LOST! Was that a trip or what? - Scott Hajek - 02-13-2006

neotank Wrote:I thought it was really cool. The only thing that seemed a little fake to me was Locke believing Sawyer about the guns. I didn't think he would be that stupid to believe Sawyer after all the BS he's pulled.

I love the way Sawyer played the ladies though, that was funny.

Just goes to show you, Sawyer is an excellent con-man if he can pull one over on Locke.

That was the single most important episode this season. It changes everything. Now, if only Sawyer pops Ana Lucia... that would be better yet.

LOST! Was that a trip or what? - Medusa - 02-16-2006

AARGH! I wish it were next Wednesday already. That was so cool. Tell me that was just some rich businessman! Bull! There's no way a normal man would've taken Sayid's punches and STILL be sitting up. That guy was way too tough.

Anyone got a clue about the symbols on the countdown board? I got a brief glimpse of them. Looked like eqyptian symbols to me. If anyone gets a still of that scene, please post it.

LOST! Was that a trip or what? - jacobm - 02-16-2006

Personally, I would like to have seen Locke slap Jack around the Swan installation. Jack's holier-than-thou attitude is definitely rubbing me the wrong way. After all, wasn't it Jack who endorsed Sayid torturing Sawyer last year?

LOST! Was that a trip or what? - Medusa - 02-16-2006

jacobm Wrote:Personally, I would like to have seen Locke slap Jack around the Swan installation. Jack's holier-than-thou attitude is definitely rubbing me the wrong way. After all, wasn't it Jack who endorsed Sayid torturing Sawyer last year?
We were laughing at Jack on that one. Oh poor Jack didn't get his way. For someone who claimed he didn't want to be in charge he sure acts like he does.

Did you like that picture that soldier was looking at in Sayid's flashback? Does everyone know who that was?

LOST! Was that a trip or what? - Susan - 02-17-2006

Medusa Wrote:We were laughing at Jack on that one. Oh poor Jack didn't get his way. For someone who claimed he didn't want to be in charge he sure acts like he does.

Did you like that picture that soldier was looking at in Sayid's flashback? Does everyone know who that was?

It looked like Kate to me. I think the soldier was Kate's father.

I didn't care for this week's episode very much. The whole frog thing totally disturbed me. I think I'm traumatized!!Sad


LOST! Was that a trip or what? - Marc - 02-17-2006

Here is what appeared after the countdown went to 00:00:00: