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The Day After Tomorrow - Marc - 05-31-2004

I just got back from seeing this. Superior to Independence Day and far superior to Godzilla, The Day After Tomorrow is a well crafted and fun movie. This is the first time in a long time Emmerich has created characters you actually care about. Yes, an ice age sets in in just under a week but minus the fact that the movie accelerates global events it is all based on fact.

The other nice thing was it had a message. Luckily, just when you think the message is going to become overtly preachy it doesn't. The film makes its point while on a rollercoaster with nice visuals. The Day After Tomorrow is better then your average summer popcorn disaster movie and well worth checking out.

And for all the people criticizing the movie saying that the events portrayed in the movie couldn't happen this quickly, the movie actually does address this by having a character state that these events shouldn't be happening as quickly as they are. Just sit back, relax and enjoy.

The Day After Tomorrow - jimbow8 - 05-31-2004

I didn't get into the characters at all really. I thought the plot was pretty weak and the special effects were very cool. If you go into this movie hoping for a lot of substance, you will probably be disappointed. If you go in looking for a fun, special effects laden summer movie (as I did), you will be content or even happy with the movie.

The Day After Tomorrow - Biggles - 05-31-2004

jimbow8 Wrote:I thought the plot was pretty weak and the special effects were very cool.

Did you mean that to be a play on words?

The Day After Tomorrow - jimbow8 - 05-31-2004

Biggles Wrote:Did you mean that to be a play on words?
No, I don't get it!

The Day After Tomorrow - Biggles - 05-31-2004

jimbow8 Wrote:No, I don't get it!

"The special effects were very cool"? Ice?

The Day After Tomorrow - Dave - 06-01-2004

jimbow8 Wrote:I didn't get into the characters at all really. I thought the plot was pretty weak and the special effects were very cool. If you go into this movie hoping for a lot of substance, you will probably be disappointed. If you go in looking for a fun, special effects laden summer movie (as I did), you will be content or even happy with the movie.

My assessment is closer to Marc's. I think the characters were treated well and the smaller plots that got people doing something didn't feel forced, which was nice.

My only gripe is that...


Dennis Quaid went all that way to use a radio? Couldn't anyone else figure out how to use a radio? Smile


The Day After Tomorrow - Kenji - 06-01-2004

Four days last, four days later release in Japan! I really expect this movie.

The Day After Tomorrow - DaveStrorm - 06-01-2004

I thought the plot was kind of weak myself. Not the fact that the time table for the ice age was so fast. I went in knowing I was going to overlook that. I didn't think D.Q.'s acting was all that good either. J.G. did a much better job, IMO. The FX were cool though. And I liked the nerdy science kid. He had some good one-liners. Overall I was a little disappointed but it was still entertaining.

The Day After Tomorrow - Marc - 06-01-2004

DaveStrorm Wrote:And I liked the nerdy science kid. He had some good one-liners. Overall I was a little disappointed but it was still entertaining.

I think the thing I liked best about the movie was that even though it was a summer disaster movie (and we haven't had a disaster movie in a while now that superhero movies have taken over) the comedy was toned down. Yes there was some for the comic relief and to lower the tension but it wasn't over the top like a lot of summer movies.

Again, going back to Emmerich's previous work, Independence Day and Godzilla were horrible with too much slapstick comedy. Then there was The Patriot that was better but the relationship aspect seemed forced. It seems like with The Day After Tomorrow Emmerich has cut out the worst parts of his movies, kept the best and infused what he's learned over the last several movies into making a more mature summer action film.

The Day After Tomorrow - Annice Burdeos - 06-01-2004

Marc B. Wrote:I just got back from seeing this. Superior to Independence Day and far superior to Godzilla, The Day After Tomorrow is a well crafted and fun movie. This is the first time in a long time Emmerich has created characters you actually care about. Yes, an ice age sets in in just under a week but minus the fact that the movie accelerates global events it is all based on fact.

The other nice thing was it had a message. Luckily, just when you think the message is going to become overtly preachy it doesn't. The film makes its point while on a rollercoaster with nice visuals. The Day After Tomorrow is better then your average summer popcorn disaster movie and well worth checking out.

And for all the people criticizing the movie saying that the events portrayed in the movie couldn't happen this quickly, the movie actually does address this by having a character state that these events shouldn't be happening as quickly as they are. Just sit back, relax and enjoy.

Saw this a week or so before it opened and for what it is, it's a fun ride coupled with more than an adequate explanation of possible though highly unlikely circumstances transpiring (at least not in any of our lifetimes)

(And I thoroughly enjoyed seeing LA get whacked as I used to live in the neighborhood depicted on screen and liked it far better than Raising Helen, Soul Plane and Shrek 2- all seen within a day or two of each other. For myself, I even found Potter more likable than the green Ogre)